Community-led preservation and enhancement of Inchinnan's woodlands and greenspaces.
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Inchinnan Community Council
Providing a link between the local community of Inchinnan and Renfrewshire Council.
For more information about Inchinnan Community Council, contact:
What is a community council?
In Scotland, community councils are the most local tier of statutory representation and help to bridge the gap between local authorities and the communities they serve. They are non-political voluntary organisations, led by local residents, which act as a voice for the local area and represent the opinions and needs of the community to local authority and other relevant public bodies.
When does the community council meet?
Inchinnan Community Council meetings take place at the Inchinnan Community Association & Social Club, Old Greenock Road, Inchinnan at 7.30pm. They will be bi-monthly (from October 2021) on the first Tuesday every other month.
Inchinnan Community Council's next Annual General Meeting is set to take place on Tuesday 4th October at 7.30pm (not 7pm) followed immediately by the ICC Ordinary Meeting at 7:45pm.
The minutes from ICC's previous (2021) AGM can be found here.
What area does the community council cover?
The area covered by Inchinnan Community Council can be seen on the map below: