Community-led preservation and enhancement of Inchinnan's woodlands and greenspaces.
Become a member.
A strong membership base not only ensures that our community members are kept up to date with our work and opportunities for their involvement, but also helps the Trust when applying for funding and support for our village projects - giving our community a stronger voice and empowering its members to drive the development of Inchinnan and its assets.
Our members support the Trust's key aims for Inchinnan:
Stewardship of our environment, ensuring it is protected for the benefit of our local wildlife populations and future generations of our community
Maintaining the village's identity, rich history, natural heritage, and spirit
Supporting the development of an accessible and inclusive village with opportunities for all ages, needs, and abilities
Creating a prosperous village by empowering our community to drive its own development and make decisions for itself
Membership is free and does not require any specific obligations. There are three tiers of membership:
Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership ensures you are kept up to date with our work and gives you an opportunity to become involved in the decision-making processes and planning of our projects, enabling you to vote at our Annual General Meetings and the opportunity to particpate in Trust elections.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to members of our wider communities (aged 16 and above), to become an associate member you do not need to reside within Inchinnan but should support the objects and actions of Inchinnan Development Trust.
Junior Membership
Junior Membership is open to young people (aged between 12 and 15) who support the objects and activities of Inchinnan Development Trust. Junior members do not need to reside within the community.