Community-led preservation and enhancement of Inchinnan's woodlands and greenspaces.
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Objection to Housing Development at Sandieland Wood
How you can help...
You have two options for objecting...
Click the 'Email Here' button to email Renfrewshire Council Planning Department at and:
Copy/paste the content below making sure you sign off with your own name (feel free to add any points of your own also!)
or attach a letter of the below text as a word document, which can be downloaded and edited with your information here.

Template for your objection letter/email:
Email Heading:​
RE: Objection - 22/0178/PP ‘Residential development comprising fifty nine dwellinghouses and twenty four flats, including access, drainage, landscaping and associated works.
Email Content:​
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to register my objection to: Planning Authority Ref: 22/0178/PP ‘Residential development comprising fifty nine dwellinghouses and twenty four flats, including access, drainage, landscaping and associated works. | Site Between Sandieland Wood And Florish Road Erskine’.
I wish to object to this proposal for the following reasons:
I believe that current ecological assessments understate the ecological value of the proposed development site (including the presence of priority wildlife species) and thus they do not fully assess potential impacts.
Sandieland Wood is a currently rarely disturbed, native woodland with a significant carpet of English Bluebells - a species very sensitive to damage via trampling. The pressure (through increased recreation, footfall, potential misuse etc) this development will bring may cause irreversible damage to the woodland and disruption to wildlife.
The development poses a threat to numerous Red and Amber List bird species (inc. several on Renfrewshire Council’s ‘Local Biodiversity Action Plan’) through removal of potential Tree Sparrow nest sites, destruction of known raptor feeding areas and the increased disturbance to vulnerable ground nesting species.
There are no plans for a green boundary/buffer zone (with the development immediately adjacent to farmland and Sandieland Wood) increasing the risk of disruption to wildlife, dumping/littering, garden encroachment, invasive garden escapees, fire setting and intentional misuse/damage of land.
The development contributes to an already heavily fragmented landscape - this is not only an issue local to Inchinnan (amidst increasing industrial/residential development) but also an issue across the UK.
The cumulative effect of this development in combination with other recent housing developments has not been appropriately addressed in plans - adjacent housing developments have brought with them significant loss of similar habitat and the impact of this has not been fully considered.
The development closes off opportunity for ecological improvement to the site in the future and potential linkage with nearby SINCs and SSSIs, creating a barrier to habitat restoration and working against the positive plans of local community groups and landowners.
The development will remove numerous established trees across the site including scattered trees and linear tree lines - these are valuable features in sparse, farmland landscapes which have been observed to support nest building and hunting by several bird species and are of value to bat populations for commuting and foraging.
Mitigatory actions proposed by the developer are insufficient and not fully relevant to the site - there is also no guarantee that they will be implemented, maintained long-term or effective.
Proposed compensatory planting is not enough to make up for the loss of well-established trees which are already well-used and valuable to wildlife, planting schemes also include non-native trees with no proven value over native species.
Yours sincerely,