The Trust has been made aware that the latest communication leaflet regarding Teucheen Wood's tree works was not clear on timescales and scheduling of work, or the actions that the Trust is taking to ensure our community woodland remains safe for all. We apologise for the concern this may have caused to some and we hope this post provides clarity and reassurance.
The Trust currently employs a Woodland Management Advisor who completes an annual condition assessment of Teucheen Wood (legal requirement is every 5 years). The most recent assessment (undertaken in April 2023) did not highlight any immediate risks or dangers to site users/neighbouring properties. If there were any hazards requiring immediate attention, the Trust would have acted promptly to ensure public safety. Tree works which were identified are due to be completed following scheduling, appropriate permissions, and the necessary ecological checks (which will occur outside of the current wildlife breeding season).
Ensuring our community woodland remains safe for all is our top priority and Teucheen Wood is monitored as part of risk assessment procedures for community events (which occur regularly in the woodland through our volunteer and educational programmes). Ground level visual checks of the woodland are also conducted following extreme weather events such as storms or severe winds. If an identifiable and immediate hazard were recorded during these checks, emergency tree works would be arranged.
It is important to understand that woodlands are naturally complex and dynamic, and the absolute removal of risk from such an environment is not feasible. As such, all woodlands carry with them a certain level of risk to visitors and neighbours. It is essential that those accessing Teucheen Wood exercise caution and take reasonable care for their own personal safety during their visits. While a tree assessment can identify those trees which may present a hazard in the future and reduce risk through their management, it cannot account for residual risk and events such as extreme weather. Nature is inherently unpredictable, meaning no tree can be deemed completely risk free.
Owing to the woodland’s Tree Preservation Order and designation as a SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) the Trust makes all tree management decisions in conjunction with Renfrewshire Council (as per their Tree Preservation Order regulations). In addition, the Trust is also working alongside Scottish Forestry to formalise and implement our Woodland Management Plan (WMP).
Our WMP will determine and guide the Trust’s long-term aims for the woodland and its on-going management/maintenance. Management strategies will be continually assessed and adjusted, adapting to the changing conditions of the woodland and the needs of site users/boundary residents. The plan is in the final stages of completion (with an initial draft being circulated amongst residents last year) and we will be holding a public meeting to alleviate resident’s concerns and share the Trust’s management strategies going forward. Once the date has been finalised, an invitation to attend will be extended to Trust members, those residing on the boundary of Teucheen, and any other stakeholders.
Of course, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us or contact our contractors and regulators directly:
Woodland management advisors – Envirocentre Ltd.
Teucheen Wood tree surgeons – Merlin Tree Services Ltd.
Regulator; Tree Preservation – Renfrewshire Council Planning Department
Regulator; woodlands – Scottish Forestry